18-Day PupStart

For Puppies Ages: 8-14 weeks

Let me start by saying this is not an obedience program. Purely intended as a way to lessen any trauma and ease the transition for puppies into the human world. The human world is completely foreign and unknown, with very different rules and ways than their canine world. Your puppy needs to be taught a completely new way of thinking and doing. This program is designed to lay that solid foundation, which defines your puppy's temperament. Puppies need to know that learning and obedience are enjoyable so they are always engaged and willing to participate.

PupStart provides your puppy with the tools to invigorate learning and start off with the right fundamentals. The goal is to instill a willingness to learn so you can enjoy your dog throughout a lifetime.

Puppies can, and should, begin training early and begin socialization as soon as possible. Experiences should be positive and fun. Let us assist you in socializing your pup properly to help ensure you have a well-adjusted adult.

We help answer questions about nutrition, crate training, potty training, handling, proper handling, and help build the training foundation your puppy needs.



What We Cover in PupStart:

  • Puppies need to settle in to the new environment and get to know us
  • Start routine for eating, sleeping, playing, potty, and quiet time
  • Crate Training for sleeping through the night, naps, separation, alone time, downtime, or needed boundaries
  • Potty Training is priority. Teach them the meaning and to respond to, "Outside" and "Go Potty."
  • Puppies need to learn their name and respond to it.
  • Puppies need to be on an input/output schedule (Food & Water go in / Feces & Urine come out)
  • Begin to lay the foundation for puppy's future in obedience and desire in learning.
  • Introduce fundamental manners, such as impulse control and self-control.
  • Introduce collar and leash: no biting, fear, or running from leash
  • Socialization with known dogs and people of varying size, age, and temperament
  • Puppies are introduced to proper playing etiquette
  • Commands are introduced, "Leave It", "Off", "Enough", etc.
  • Puppies introduced to car rides.
  • Outings for sight and sound exposure.
  • Review, review, review. Practice, practice, practice. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

FEES: $1325
(10% discount for repeat clients)
Without a deposit your pup does not have a reservation and availability is not guaranteed.

Get Started with PupStart